A few short updates after last week’s launch!
First, I want to take a quick moment to again thank everyone who signed up for my new weekly adventure. After sitting on this Newsletter for so long it’s been a bit surreal to finally be rolling with it. I appreciate all the support you’ve shown.
This upcoming Friday will be the first of the FLASH FILES. It’s weird to go down memory lane on The Flash series. Eye opening. As I was writing the first post, I decided to go a bit deeper into how I got the job on the Flash as well as the issue-by-issue breakdowns. Getting past my own preamble has taken a bit longer than I expected. You’ll see what I mean on Friday, behind the subscriber wall.
We have some NAILBITER FAN CLUB and SUPER SCARY CLUB FOUNDER tiers available. Once DARK RIDE #1 comes out October 5th and the TALES FROM THE NAILBITER AND OTHER TERRIFYING STORIES start up the remaining stock on these will disappear.
This week, I’m updating the ABOUT PAGE to also have the subscription tier breakdowns.
This last year I’ve had a comic out nearly every week. But now things have slowed down a bit on the release schedule. The only book I have coming out for the rest of the year is DARK CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #5-#7. Along with DARK RIDE #1 to #3 from Skybound/Image. And a short story in the Wildstorm 30th Anniversary special in November. Followed by the oversized Action Comics #1050 in December. Okay, maybe it’s still a lot.
My day-to-day work schedule hasn’t died down at all as my focus has switched to secret plans for 2023 and 2024. All the new books haven’t been announced yet and are dream projects. Some were developed this last year while some were in the making for a long time. As I said in last week’s update, the full SECRET PROJECTS list updates will start in OCTOBER. There will be a few surprises in there.
I’m often jealous when I read about movie writers or directors who finish a project and then say things like “I’m taking some time off to THINK about what I’m going to do next.”
Could you imagine? Often in comics when you finish an issue, you have zero time to jump into the next one. Half the time you’re already behind schedule. The idea that you can take your foot off the gas and take some time to just THINK feels impossible.
But let me ask you this question, dear reader…
That all being said…This week’s new release is ROBIN vol 2 trade paperback. The second part of our yearlong LAZARUS TOURNAMENT storyline. This trade leads right into the BATMAN: SHADOW WAR storyline. That collection is in stores in November.
You should grab the first volume of ROBIN and ROBIN Volume Two at your comic bookstore of choice.
Now I want to thank some of the people who recommended my Newsletter last week. All of these Newsletter’s kick ass and have set the bar for what we can do with the Substack platform. If you’re reading my newsletter you more than likely are signed up for all of these. But if you’re not…GET ON IT!
That’s it for this week. Light week, I know. Once we get into October and the Halloween season, I’ll start posting our Super Scary content behind the subscription wall.